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National Geographic Special Collections: Curated Collections

About Curated Collections

Our Curated Collections page showcases treasures from our various archival collections, including film, photos, maps, art, correspondence, and rare books. 

These selected resources may not reflect the entire holdings of the archives on this subject.  

New materials are added periodically as we continue our digitization and digital preservation efforts.

Curated Collections

NGS-NASA Space History Collection

Search the available catalog of NASA-NGS archival materials. This includes photographs, film and media, and documents.

Men studying Stratosphere equipment

Stratosphere Expeditions

Search the available catalog of Stratosphere-related archival materials. This includes photographs, film and media, and documents. New materials are added periodically as we continue our digitization and digital preservation efforts.

An underwater photo of a jellyfish with long tentacles

Chesapeake Bay Aquascope

Search the available catalog of Aquascope-related archival materials. This includes photographs, film and media, and documents. 


Search the Crittercam collection. Includes footage documenting animal behaviors from their point of view.


Need help searching the collections? Contact our librarians and archivists via email at

Banner Photo Credit: Renan Ozturk

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