If you would like to request a copy of a photo, please submit the request form in the photo item record. The ability to share a copy of a photo will depend on usage and rights.
If you would like to request a copy of a film or media Item, please submit the request form in the item record. The ability to share a copy of an Iiem will depend on usage and rights.
Our archival collections system does not allow material to be downloaded. Any content available online is for viewing and research purposes only. If you would like to request a copy of an item, please submit the request form in the item record. The ability to share a copy of an item will depend on usage and rights.
National Geographic is no longer in the licensing business. Unfortunately, restrictions have been placed on Nat Geo photos and video that do not allow us to license them for outside parties. We are focusing on accelerating the use of our content in National Geographic and Disney content, products, and experiences. The stock footage agency closed back in December of 2020.
If you are scholar or educator, and your requested use is for educational purposes only, contact us with your detailed intended use, and we will have our Legal team review your request for approval. Rights are granted only for very limited circumstances.
Banner Photo Credit: Renan Ozturk
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